
Traffic Monsoon

How to get free and continuously increasing website traffic with Traffic Monsoon

This post covers EXACTLY HOW I went from struggling busted broke to now bringing in 10-20 people DAILY into my business and now averaging over $400 per day (yes 7 days per week, income disclaimer THIS TAKES WORKING THE PLAN AND NOT GIVING UP!!)

In this post, I'm going to cover how to get free and continuously increasing website traffic with Traffic Monsoon. This post is for those who already have a basic understanding on how Traffic Monsoon works.

So, I'm going to break this down as much as possible.

You joined Traffic Monsoon (or you can join here) and you want to promote your business on the traffic exchange.

Great, the first and only product you want to buy are ad packs. Ad packs are $50, get you 20 clicks on your banner ad and 1000 clicks on your website, get you $55 back over time, and after surfing 10 ads daily in the traffic exchange allow you to earn daily revenue sharing.

The more ad packs you have is the more daily revenue sharing you will get.
So, the only things you should be focusing on when you first start out is getting ad packs. You want active ad packs. An ad pack is no longer active after it has earned you $55.

Now, each ad pack gets you 20 clicks on your business banner and 1000 clicks on your business website (hopefully both of those are your capture pages).

Get to 10

Now, what I did was simply buy an ad pack once a week. The first week I got my first ad pack for $50. 7 days later I had $8 in my account. I bought my second ad pack for $42 ($42 + $8 in my account = $50 for my 2nd ad pack). 7 days later I had $15 in my account and bought my third ad pack for $35 ($35 + $15 in my account = my third ad pack). I continued this process til I had 10 active ad packs.

At that point, I bought a new ad pack with profits every 5 days.

After 10 Ad Packs and Traffic Packages

Everything from here on in is bought from profits (making it free)

Once I hit 10 active ad packs, I then started to buy traffic packages (another TM traffic product that's non TM members) every week.

How it worked was when I had 10 active packs, once a week I would buy the $9 traffic package (5000 clicks). Monday through Friday I would buy ad packs and then every Saturday I would buy a traffic package.

I continued this pattern until I hit 16 active packs. Once I hit 16, I then would repurchase ad packs Monday through Friday, and every Saturday I would purchase the $16 traffic package (10000 clicks).

Once I hit 38 active packs, I then would repurchase ad packs Monday through Friday, and every Saturday I would purchase the $38 traffic package (25000 clicks).

I continued this until I hit 50 active ad packs.

Traffic Packages turn into Solo Ads

The pic below are some of my old solo ad orders.
udimi solo ads

Once I hit 50, I would then repurchase ad packs Monday through Friday, and every Saturday I would start buying solo ads (approx $50 per week). I started getting my solo ads from Udimi solo ads.

Once I hit 100 active packs, I kept on getting solo ads but also now started getting CPC campaigns every 2 weeks. I would get a basic campaign from Infinite Leverage System every 2 weeks.

How my current schedule looks like?

My schedule is a little different because I now have a lot of referrals and daily referral commissions but the idea is still the same!

I can withdraw $100 7 days per week from Traffic Monsoon and that money goes toward as many solo ads and cpc campaigns as I can possibly get!

Somethings to keep in mind!

When buying ad packs and traffic packages keep in mind that this is still traffic exchange traffic. It isn't all Traffic Monsoon traffic, but it still comes from other traffic exchanges. This traffic will get your sporadic results at best. This means you will get leads and sign ups but it can be very slim sometimes. Keep pressing through this because the rev share money is what we are after!

When you start buying solo ads, start buying them and don't let up! This is where you will start getting regular sign ups! Most solo ads will run you anywhere from .30 to .75 cents per click.

CPC is another source of traffic you want to tap into. Some people shy away from CPC because it can run you .75 to $1.15 per click. Most people who run steady CPC campaigns love the ease. All you do is buy the amount of clicks you want and send them to your capture page.
infinite leverage system

We have three different types of traffic here.

Traffic exchanges, Solo ads, and CPC. When you have all three of these working for your business, then you can certainly expect to get regular sign ups and money based on the sheer volume of people who will be going through your sales funnel!

Traffic exchange traffic will get you sporadic results. If you consistently buy ad packs and the traffic packages you will get sign ups, but you have to keep doing it over and over again. The $5 traffic package is not a recommended product to buy because of the low opt in rate (traffic exchange traffic). You need more clicks.

Solo ads and CPC will get you steady results. As with anything, you have to keep buying them over and over again. This is why we leverage the rev share and use this money week after week to buy more traffic. More traffic equals more people to connect with and build a business with!

You have 3 steps

Create accounts in
traffic monsoon

Udimi Solo Ads

Infinite Leverage System

and then get to 10 (16, 38, 50, and 100)

Rob Fraser

P.S. To see my full business sales funnel (including Traffic Monsoon)

On Buying Solo Ads and CPC campaigns with Traffic Monsoon Profits

In this post, I'm going to talk about my strategy on buying solo ads and various cpc campaigns with Traffic Monsoon profits. If you aren't familiar with Traffic Monsoon, then click here. Otherwise keep reading for my strategy and learn why it is working to the tune of 5-20 sign ups in various offers daily.

Could you use 5-20 new sign ups in your business on a daily basis?

Thought so! =)

The back bone of my perpetual traffic plan is Traffic Monsoon. I teach my team how to leverage the rev share income and use that to keep a certain level of ad packs and to buy solo ads/cpc campaigns.

That right there is the big secret. Nothing crazy right?

The specific plan is this.

Join Traffic Monsoon (if you haven't already)

and buy ad packs.

Keep buying ad packs and surf your 10 ads daily in the traffic exchange.


Because this will allow you to participate in the rev share. Every hour we get paid in Traffic Monsoon based on company sales and by how many ad packs we have. The more ad packs you have is the more you would potentially get paid on an hourly basis. There are no guaranteed daily figures, earnings, or dollar amounts !!

Get to 100 ad packs

Once I got to 100 ad packs, I started taking out a daily portion of my earnings and I buy solo ads fromHERE (Udimi solo ads) and I get my CPC campaigns HERE (Infinite Leverage System). I do this every day.

This is what has blew up my business!

I get leads all day long. I get sign ups EVERY DAY. This isn't hype. This isn't useless outdated marketing courses. This is exactly what I am doing on a daily basis.

Some of my mentors I follow buy upwards of 4,000 clicks per week in solo ads and various other traffic. Right now, I'm hovering around 1,000 clicks per week. Keep in mind, this is all coming out of my profits!

I like to call this my Perpetual Traffic Plan.

People don't make money because they don't reach enough people.


Using Traffic Monsoon, anyone can get the reach necessary to explode their business. I also have sponsored my largest leg in my business (Four Corners Alliance Group) from an ad pack. The traffic on Traffic Monsoon is very good for a traffic exchange.

Traffic Monsoon has a membership of over 800K and over 3K new members every day.

It would probably be a good idea to get your business in front of those people, don't you think?

Create your FREE Traffic Monsoon account HERE!

And let's blow up your business!

Rob Fraser

New Traffic Monsoon perpetual traffic plan

In this post, I'm going to cover my latest and updated personal traffic strategy using Traffic Monsoon. This is for those who are already familiar with Traffic Monsoon (Monsoon or TM from hereon).

I'm going to explain the plan from beginning to end, meaning as if someone just joined TM today and what the first, second, and so on steps should be.
Results are not typical and daily earnings are based on company sales and the number of active referrals you have. All numbers are my own example and are not a guarantee! Moving on!

Ad Packs are priority

First you want to get to 10 active ad packs. I would advise against buying all 10 at one time because they will all mature at the same time. Personally, I bought approximately 1 ad pack per week using the broke man plan.

The broke man plan is buying the first ad pack for $50 and then using a combination of your daily revenues and your money to buy ad packs from then on until you hit 10. How this worked out for me was I got my first ad pack for $50. One week later, I had around $8 in my account and was able to get my 2nd ad pack for approx $42. 2 weeks later, I had around $15 in my account and was able to get my 3rd ad pack for approx $35 and so on.

I did this until I had 10 active ad packs. Once I had 10, I was able to buy a new ad pack approx every 5 days from my daily earnings and not my pockets.

Adding Traffic Packages to the mix

Once I hit 10 ad packs, I would be able to buy a new ad pack every week and I started buying a $9 traffic package once per week. I would do this without fail!

The Traffic Packages

2,500 clicks for $5
5,000 clicks for $9
10,000 clicks for $16
25,000 clicks for $38

I would buy a weekly traffic package based on the amount of active ad packs I have.

For example, once I hit 16 active ad packs, I would buy the 10,000 clicks. Once I hit 38 active ad packs, then would buy the 25,000 clicks once per week with profits. I will not buy any higher traffic packages than $38 per week.

Cost Per Click

Once I got to around 40 active ad packs, I added a monthly cost per click, or cpc, campaign to the mix. So for 3 weeks out of each month, I buy as many ad packs as I can but I limit myself to purchasing a max of 2 ad packs per day no matter how much money I have in the account. For the 4th week, I would let all my daily earnings accumulate and withdraw it.

I would take that money and go over to Infinite Leverage System and buy the basic traffic package. All of this traffic would go to promote my primary business.

Trading traffic packages for solo ads

This is a pic from my 1st 2 solos ads purchased

Once I hit 50 active ad packs, I stopped buying my weekly traffic packages and just replaced them with solo ads.

How my traffic buying schedule looks like now.

One week out of each month, I let my daily earnings accumulate and for that week that money goes to a monthly cpc campaign at Infinite Leverage System.
The remaining 3 weeks, I buy up to 2 ad packs per day and withdraw $50-100 (depending) and buy solo ads. Using this service, you can buy solo ads from trusted vendors and schedule them. I aim to schedule solo ads every single week.

Putting all these traffic pieces together will give you enough people coming into your sales funnel that prove profitable. You must commit to the process!

Scaling Up Website Traffic with Traffic Monsoon

In this post, I'm going to cover the long term strategy for scaling up website traffic with Traffic Monsoon. This post is written for those who are already familiar with Traffic Monsoon. The strategy I lay out is the specific strategy I am following and thus far has enabled me to sign up over 230+ people in the past 90 days in various opportunities.

I'm going to cover my basic strategy for scaling up traffic inside of Traffic Monsoon and continued strategies for scaling up website traffic with Traffic Monsoon and other paid traffic sources.

Basic Traffic Monsoon Strategy

My basic Traffic Monsoon strategy is simply buying ad packs and one traffic package once per week. The particular traffic package I buy is determined by the amount of active ad packs I have.

How this works?

For the sake of this example (to keep things easy) I'm going to say each ad pack will earn $1 per day. I will preface this by saying that earnings are NOT guaranteed and are based on daily traffic sales of the company. This number ($1 per day per ad pack) IS ONLY being used as an example to explain my thinking.

Now the range of traffic packages I buy go from $5 – 2,500 clicks, $9 – 5,000 clicks, $16 – 10,000 clicks, and $38 – 25,000 clicks. There are traffic packages that cost more than $50, however my thinking is if I have $50 in my account, then I'm going to buy an ad pack to increase my daily earnings.

Until I get north of 1000 active ad packs, I will not buy a traffic package above the $38 level. Once I get north of 1000 active ad packs, I will continue this strategy and proceed until I am buying a weekly $600 traffic package for 500,000 clicks. This is the maximum traffic package and also provides the most savings.

Going back to my $1 per day per ad pack EXAMPLE.

If I have 5 active ad packs (ad packs that haven't capped out at $55), then once a week I will buy the $5 traffic package. The rest of the money earned within Traffic Monsoon will go to buy more ad packs.

I will continue this until I have 9 active ad packs, then once a week I will buy the $9 traffic package. Again the rest of the money earned will go to grow my ad pack balance.
I will continue this for 16 and finally “topping out” at the $38 and 38 ad pack level. Hopefully you understand my thinking here. Once I get to 38 active ad packs and am buying the $38 traffic package once a week, then that's where I now shift my marketing dollars elsewhere. From here on, I will always buy the $38 traffic package once per week.

My ultimate goal is to be able to purchase a $600 traffic package once per week.

Scaling up website traffic with other traffic sources

After my Traffic Monsoon account gets north of 38 active ad packs, I now will use a percentage of my earnings to go toward a monthly Infinite Leverage System traffic package and a weekly solo ad. These two traffic sources (Infinite Leverage System and these solo ads) are from trusted marketers I follow and aren't some fly by night crap.

This snaps into place when I get 40 active ad packs. Again using my $1 per day per ad pack example (earnings fluctuate based on sales and this is simple an example).

When I get 40 active ad packs, one week out of each month I let my daily earnings accumulate and withdraw the whole weeks earnings (this week I may or may not buy my weekly traffic packing inside of Traffic Monsoon). This weeks earnings will go toward my monthly Infinite Leverage 
System traffic campaign (approx $220).

In other words, week 1 total earnings will go toward my monthly ILS traffic (basic level and will increase as I scale $220). Weeks 2, 3, and 4 earnings will go towards my weekly traffic package (based on total number of active ad packs), ad packs, and I will withdraw $80-100 to buy a weekly solo ad.

For my solo ads, $80-100 would average 150-300 clicks.  Different traffic sources have different price points, however EVERYTHING IS PAID WITH PROFITS from Traffic Monsoon.

I will continue this strategy and when people join (and they will with all of this traffic pumping) I will scale up as I see fit.

My Complete Traffic Monsoon Strategy and Traffic Plan

In this post, I'm going to cover my complete traffic plan using Traffic Monsoon. Traffic Monsoon is the heart beat of all my traffic online. Using Traffic Monsoon alone, I signed up over 200+ people into various opportunities in the past 80 days.

First, I'm going to talk about my Traffic Monsoon strategy for my business, my specific traffic strategy, and my results to date.

Traffic Monsoon strategy

On social media, blogging, buying traffic outside of Traffic Monsoon (Infinite Leverage System, Solo Ads) I send everything to my Traffic Monsoon marketing system. Instead of promoting my business everywhere on the internet, I promote my results with Traffic Monsoon.

I'm sure you will agree with this but the simple fact is most marketers don't want to join another business and they want more traffic. So I make money sharing my traffic source with them. This immediately puts what I post and promote on a different level. I don't play the “my business is better than yours” and etc.

How it works?

I promote Traffic Monsoon via my results from using the traffic. Other marketers join and then I make 10% from all their purchases. I use that money to buy more traffic for my business. On Traffic Monsoon I send 100% of the traffic to my primary business (Four Corners Alliance Group) that I promote with Power Lead System (I also have a share code for this).

Other marketers want to promote Traffic Monsoon and they need to become a customer or affiliate of Power Lead System. This is an automatic sell. PLS makes it easy to create your own marketing and brand yourself instead of any company. This alone has got me more sign ups then anything else.

Now, I'm automatically making money in Traffic Monsoon and Power Lead System. This is more money I use to put into driving traffic to my primary business which gets me more sign ups.

Traffic Monsoon traffic plan

On Traffic Monsoon I buy ad packs and traffic packages every single week. I point all this traffic to my main business (Four Corners Alliance Group). I use the money I make in the daily revenue sharing to keep buying traffic packages every single week.Join Traffic Monsoon here and I will give you more specific info about this!

I also withdraw a portion of my Traffic Monsoon earnings and buy a monthly traffic package at Infinite Leverage System and in the future will use a portion to buy solo ads here. Scaling up is a vital part of growing a business. More traffic plus more exposure equals more money.

My Traffic Monsoon marketing system

I use the Power Lead System. The Power Lead System is a marketing system not tied to any particular business and I have a share code. This share code will allow PLS users to copy my sales funnel promoting Traffic Monsoon. As of writing this, I have sponsored 120+ into Monsoon using this sales funnel. Get more info here about my marketing system.

So to recap, on the “front end” I promote Traffic Monsoon via Power Lead System. On the Traffic Monsoon site I promote my primary business, Four Corners Alliance Group via Power Lead System. In fact, my share codes include both my Traffic Monsoon funnel and my 4 Corners funnel.

My 4 Corners funnel includes PLS and TM and it's all promoted in one link/sales funnel.
My Traffic Monsoon funnel focuses on Monsoon so am building 2 lists.

To get more info CLICK HERE and let's start making you some money online. I'm now earning $150-400 per day and it's only the beginning.

Results not typical
To see my full marketing funnel (4 Corners) CLICK HERE! 

Rob Fraser

Also see
Scaling up website traffic with Traffic Monsoon

How to leverage Traffic Monsoon to get more traffic

Actually this post is more about leveraging the rev share side of Traffic Monsoon to get more traffic. You can see my "in house" Traffic Monsoon strategy here.

I sent out this call last week and wanted to clear up some things.  is the link to the call.

Traffic Monsoon traffic is as good as it gets.
The rev share is going great
The traffic is buyer traffic that converts
ETC, I could keep going on.

However marketing is about reaching more people and getting a reaction.
Reaching more people (through blogs, videos, and buying traffic)
Getting a reaction (opting into my capture page, joining my business, etc)

A large number of people fail simply because they can't (or don't want to)
reach enough people. I love social media, but it provides a huge distraction
for me and not everyone has time to play the social media game all day.

So Traffic Monsoon is a great alternative.

In the call, I laid out a basic plan to get to 10 and 20 active ad packs.
Once there you will be able to withdraw a weekly amount and keep
buying more ad packs from profit.

So am going to put this out there and will request that when you decide
to move forward, I'm your guy to run with.

All my traffic comes from over 1000 blogs personally written, 800+ Youtube
videos, and that's just my “free traffic.”

My paid traffic comes from
My Advertising Pays (MAPS) -rev share traffic source
Traffic Monsoon (TM) -rev share traffic source
and soon to be Infinite Leverage System (ILS) – just traffic w affiliate plan

ILS is used by these 'REAL' people who are banking. (look em up on Facebook)
Mack Zidan – ILS
Rob Fore - ILS
Devon Brown - ILS
Frank Calabro - MAPS

I've used my MAPS rev share money to build up my TM account. I'm now going to use a percentage of my MAPS and TM money to buy traffic at ILS. I'm now going to withdraw 30% from MAPS and TM and start buying a monthly traffic package from ILS.

Here is what that looks like for me right now.

MAPS I have lost a lot of credit packs as I have been draining account to fund TM.
These numbers are for illustration only and the rev share fluctuates and is based on the daily sales of each company. The numbers are for an example. See income disclaimer here.

Maps I have 40 credit packs paying me $20 per day, NOT including referral commissions.

$20 per day x 7 days = $140
I withdraw 30% weekly or $42

TM I have 36 ad packs paying me $36 per day, NOT including referral commissions.

$36 per day x 7 days = $252
I withdraw 30% weekly or $75.6

Taking the combined amounts that I withdraw $42 + $75.6 = $117.6 in my pocket each week.

I then take that $117.60 per week, or $470.40 per every 4 weeks, and use that to buy traffic at ILS and cover any monthly over head (autoresponders, drop cards, etc). This allows me to build my income stream by building my list. This is money that keeps coming in whether I sign up people or not.

The numbers alone will get me more sign ups. I'm currently averaging 1-5 per day and with this plan, will easily double it because I now have more exposure!

It's like a guy I talked to who was just posting on Facebook. I told him to post on LinkedIN. He now just doubled his traffic. I also told him to post on IBOtoolbox. He now just tripled his traffic.

Make sense?

Just so you know the smallest traffic package from ILS will run $220 with the highest at $4k
Since the average joe or jane doesn't have that monthly ad budget around is why I'm teaching on leveraging the rev share programs to “fund” your traffic purchases.

I am not coming out of pocket to do this! My complete business is free and automatically running with all of my traffic running.

My daily business routine:
Wake Up
Surf my ads
Shoot a video and share on social
Write a blog post and share on social
Buy Traffic
Send out email
Repeat and that's getting me 1-5 per day.

Hopefully this is clear, however if you have questions email me!
There is nothing else I need to do. No other programs.. No solo ads.. Not even facebook.

This is a complete plan and if you follow it, then that's “all she wrote”

Here is my Youtube playlist that you should review to keep your knowledge in
Traffic Monsoon UP!

Here is also a video that's highly important!

How to SURVIVE buying traffic and why you want to

Any questions email me!!

Rob “the referral man” Fraser =)
150 referrals and counting!

How to use Traffic Monsoon to get a steady flow of traffic for your team co ops

In this post, I'm going to talk about how to use Traffic Monsoon to get a steady flow of traffic for your co ops and websites. This post is for those who are familiar with Traffic Monsoon (TM). This post is just going to be a “how to.” I'm going to cover my specific strategy in leveraging the rev share to get continuous traffic for your team co ops, why this strategy will work, and my results.

How to use Traffic Monsoon to get a steady flow of traffic for your team co ops

There is a group synergy and power in this strategy. There are a few parameters to be followed. This is based from my own personal experience and results. Following this plan I have got over 130+ sign ups in various businesses (documented) in the past 45 days and that number is increasing on a daily basis.

First, get at least 20 active ad packs

You want at least 20 active ad packs and to surf your 10 ads every 24 hours. This will qualify you to participate in the revenue sharing. After you hit 20 active ad packs, then you simply maintain that amount.

Brief Ad Pack Explanation

You buy an ad pack for $50 and that gets you 1000 credits (clicks) and 20 PPC banner clicks.
Surf your ads every 24 hours and each ad pack will earn you a variable amount until it has earned you $55. There is no time guarantee as this number is based on world-wide company sales from the day before. Once an ad pack has earned $55 it is no longer active. This is not an investment of any sort. You are buying advertising.

How I maintain 20 active ad packs

I worked my way up to 30 ad packs and I systematically withdraw a portion and keep a portion in my account. When my ad packs start maturing, and my active ad packs number dips down to 22, is when I will use all funds earned to repurchase. Right now, I'm earning anywhere from $30-150 per day and most of this is from referral commissions.

Second, each week use a portion of earnings to buy other traffic products

Now that I have 30 ish ad packs and am earning $30+ per day (not a guarantee), I take a portion of that cash and every single Monday I purchase a traffic package (10,000 clicks for $16), more credits in the exchange (2500 credits for $13.95), cash links (variable amount based on number of clicks I want), and when I hit 50 ish active ad packs will start getting weekly GEO targeted PPC banner ads.

All this money comes from the rev share and the number of active ad packs. I am not coming out of pocket and can buy all that advertising space every single week from profits alone. The more people I refer into Traffic Monsoon and referral commissions I get, allows to purchase more ad packs (to work my way up to 50 active ad packs) and advertising. I also withdraw a portion of my earnings based on what's left over.

Instead of coming out of pocket each week, I'm using profits to keep buying more traffic and withdrawing a weekly check. Sometimes I get a lot of leads and sign ups and sometimes I don't. Just staying consistent and over time that will get you results. Again doing this, I got 130+ sign ups in the past 45ish days.

Why this strategy will work

Everyday over 3000 new people sign up for Traffic Monsoon. In the U.S. Alone there are over 35 Million people in home based businesses needing more traffic, let alone the world! Traffic Monsoon only has around 150,000 members at the moment. I'm sure you can see the potential.

When you have a team working this plan, that is literally "all she wrote!"

A realistic example.

You join Traffic Monsoon and follow my steps. Say you are buying 1 ad pack every Friday (it's exactly what I did til I got to 10 active ad packs to which was earning $10 per day and repurchased from profits). Every Friday I got a new ad pack.

I had (let's keep it easy) $50 working to build my business. I brought in 1 new team member (truth) and taught him to do the same. I earned money in the program I was promoting and I earned from my new team member following suit and buying his first ad pack.  Traffic Monsoon pays 10% on all your referrals advertising purchases with the exception of the cash links.

Now on Traffic Monsoon I have $100 and 2 people building my team. Do you see where this will go?

So we each bring in 1 person each and teach them to do the same. Now we each made money in our business and now have $200 and 4 people building our team. This number just explodes exponentially and once your team “gets this” then you just cracked the code!

Taking this example, imagine 10, 20, and 50+ people duplicating and following this example! Everyday 3000 new people join Traffic Monsoon and that's a new crowd to get your business in front of.

This is a current snapshot (as of the date of this post) Results not typical

Real World

Not everyone listens and follows suit, but don't you see the power in constant exposure and the benefits of teaching your team to do the same. 3000 new people join TM everyday. 3000 new faces looking for a strong leader, team, business, product, and etc.

It may take a lot of numbers to get the income you want. 3 confirmed internet millionaires have said buying traffic is the corner stone of their business. Blogging, SEO, Social media, and other “free traffic” method are very time consuming.

Here is what no one will tell you. It takes a lot of numbers. Think about yourself and did you join the very first internet program the very first time you saw it?

I had a lady who was on one of my email lists for 3 years before she actually joined the program I was promoting at that time. The truth is people are skeptical, scared, and just need time to see your progression, personality, and proof.

Some people will buy traffic one time and not get any sign ups and say “this traffic sucks.” Well if I want to look like Mr. Olympia and I go to the gym one time.. do you think I will be the next bodybuilding superstar? Do you think Michael Jordan just took one free-throw and then walked out on the basketball court as a champ? Do you think Micheal Jackson wrote only one song and became the King of Pop? Ok one more do you think Mike Tyson only hit the heavy bag one time?

I think you know the answers and I know you know what to do!

Click HERE if you aren't in Traffic Monsoon and let's get your business rocking!

Here is a video explaining my take on why you want to survive buying traffic!

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